Feb 6, 2007

Monday we are all packed and ready to go. We had four bags to check at
50 lbs each and two carry on bags that would not fit under a seat, but were OK
for overhead.
I called cab for a 5:50 am pick up for an 8:30 am flight, estimated cost $40.
At 5:00am on Tuesday the driver called and said he would be there at 5:20 am.
Of course, he spoke in a heavy accent so I knew this was going to be trouble.
I got that straight, but then it took three more phone falls including two from
his dispatcher to find the house.
We left the house at 5:00am. He asked if we wanted to take E470 or Tower
road to the airport. I suggested E470 so he turned east on Hampden to go
to E470. After about a mile I asked him if he had change to go on E470.
It takes exact change only. He did not and neither did I, so he made a U
turn on Hampden and headed back west towards Tower road.
During the drive to the airport Frances called her sister to she doing OK
with the plan to meet us at UAL ticket counter at 6:30am. She was being
driven by a cousin named Danny. Her sister goes by several names such as,
#7, Nancy, Anna and I can't spell her Vietnamese name but it sort of sounds like
"yam". At 6:00am they called to say they were already there.
We were still five minutes from the airport but then the driver went the wrong
way and ended up in passenger pick-up instead of passenger drop-off. He
insisted we could get out there with no problem and walk up to the ticket
counter. Right...... I'll just tell Frances to help me with these 200
pounds of bags on the curb to get them upstairs. I refused to get out of
the cab and told him to drive around again to the right spot. That, plus
the trip up and down Hampden probably added $10 to the bill.
We finally got to the right place and unloaded. Taxi fare was $57.00
and I only game him a $5.00 tip and that was too much. We found Anna and
Danny, got our train load of luggage together and went to the counter. I
had checked us in online (added 500 miles each to our Mileage Plus credits) and
went up to the girl to show her my home printed boarding passes. I
could not understand a word she said. I asked her what country she was
from and she replied "Africa". OK... if you don't know a country from a
continent we might have a problem here. She raised her had for a
supervisor who came over and told me the girl was telling me to enter the
confirmation number printed on my boarding pass in the touch screen computer in
front of me. So I did that. After a few entries the luggage bag
tags were printed. I did the same for Anna and away we went.
Frances and I made our reservations before Anna so we did not have seats
together. Other than temporally loosing Frances' visa and giving Frances a
heart attack, the gate agent was very helpful with the seats. On the
flight from San Francisco to Saigon she was able to move Anna to one row right
behind us but still in a center seat.
The flight arrived in SFO right on time. When we got off the
plane Frances was surprised to hear Vietnamese music on the PA system. I
told her maybe we had boarded a space ship by mistake and we were already there.
We found push carts things, then to used the bus to the international
terminal. The Vietnamese music followed us and then I realized that the
portable speaker system with built-in MP3 player had gotten turned on by
something in the bag hitting the switch. It was way too much trouble to
find it and turn it off in the rush to catch the bus. In the airport
one could barely hear it but when loaded on the bag rack, right behind the
driver, in the quieter bus it sounded very loud. After providing
entertainment on the short bus ride for everyone we finally got to the terminal
where I could unpack the thing and turn it off.
Everything was on time and we boarded. Just as Anna was getting into
her center seat in the row behind us two men traveling together came in.
One was in the window seat next to Anna and the other was in the window seat in
our row. Frances was in the center seat and I had the aisle.
The man that was to be in the window seat next to Frances agreed to take Ann's
seat so that put all three of us in the same row. That worked out
well and I'm glad the gate agent in Denver made those seat changes.
The fourteen hour flight was smooth and no problems at all from SFO to
Saigon. Prior to our trip I had recorded quite a few shows from the
history channel for my Zune video player and other shows that Frances liked for
her iPod video player. For Frances I had copied some of her favorite
Vietnamese shows from DVD. I didn't know Anna was going to sit with us so
Frances was the only one that could plug her headset in the iPod. I looked
over and had to laugh when I saw Frances and Anna sharing the ear plug speakers.
Frances had the left one and Anna had the right one. They were sort of
like joined twins. One could not move with effecting the other one.
Date of entry: Feb 10, Saigon time
We arrived in Saigon on time and should have caught the connection flight
about one hour later. However, due to bad weather in Chicago we had to
wait for a connecting inbound flight that was three hours late with 146
connecting passengers on it. In addition to that, the delayed flight
was oversold and they were looking for volunteers to miss the flight. We
were offered a free hotel, meals and a flight the next day leaving at 4:30 pm
with business class seats, plus a voucher for $300.00 cash that we could cash in
in SFO on our return trip. After talking it over we decided to wait
for the delayed flight and not take up the offer from UAL.
Anna wanted to call friends in Saigon to tell them she was late. The
pay phone would only take credit cards and she did not bring hers. She
bought a phone card for $8.00 for 50 minutes of talk time but we could not get
it to work and they would not refund it. So I used my credit card for her
to make the call.
We boarded the flight and it was very nice. Because Frances has 100,000
miles on her mileage plus they put both of us in business class with seats that
recline almost level for good sleeping. The seats are so far apart that
one does not bother the other behind it. That really helped a lot for that
leg of the trip and the last two hours went very quickly. Anna was stuck
back in row 52 and we had to wait a long time for her to get off.
We got down to baggage claim and all the bags made it. However,
when the bags went through customs the four bottles of Jim Walker Red showed up
in the x-ray. The girl came over and asked what was in the bottles.
Frances was honest and said "whisky" and customs let it go. Then
Frances told me she thought a bottle was broken because she could smell it.
I disagreed because I knew I had put a LOT of bubble wrap around each bottle and
I didn't think they would break but I'd have to wait until we got to the room to
check. We don't drink, the acohol was gifts for family and friends in
Vietnam from her brother.
We checked into the hotel with no problems at all. They were still
holding our reservations and the room was just absolutely delightful except it
was a twin with two beds. They promised to change rooms for us the next
day. However, we were in the room for about twenty minutes when I
asked Frances where the room key was. The room key, of course, was a
credit card like device that fits in a slot in the door. She said
the bell hop put it in a storage slot right next to the door. I pulled it
out of the slot and all the power in the room went out, including the air
conditioning. At first we did not associate the removal of the key
with the loss of power because it is not unusual to have a power loss now and
then here. After fumbling around in the dark for awhile we did figure it
out and put it back in the slot and all the lights came on. That was
a new one for me. I suppose it is a way to save energy when one is
not in the room because when you pull your key out of the storage slot inside
the room there is no power being used when not there.
OK, we woke up the next day and went to a hair salon for Frances to get her
hair done. This was going to be a five hour job and I had nothing to
do. So Frances suggested I get a shampoo while I was there.
Well. that turned into a one hour scalp massage, and some sticky stuff being put on my face that burned
until they washed it off. That was fun but Frances still had hours to finish.
I started with little walks around the block to get my bearings and I began to
venture farther and farther away each time. One bothersome issue was the
bike taxi drivers following me around asking me if I wanted a ride.
No... if I wanted a ride I'd ask you for one. They could be very
persistent, following me everywhere and keep asking. I even went the wrong
way on a one-way street but that didn't even slow him down. I don't
think the street directions signs there mean very much.
I found a nice little park about three blocks from the hair salon and thought
I'd walk around and look for some photo shots. I sat down on a bench
relaxing. Oh my, I had just gone from a moving target to a sitting
target. People would come up to me that could not speak English so I had
no idea what they were saying. One man parked
his scooter, got off and sat right down next to me and did speak some English.
He said he had some advise for me. I asked what. He said, "Watch you
camera case, never let go of it.". I had already removed my watch and put
it in my pocket. I thanked him for his advise and got up for my walk back
to the hair salon.
We got back to the hotel, exhausted and feel asleep. About 6:00pm
Anna called because she wanted to go to dinner.
I told Frances, "No way - I am dead tired and I'm going to stay here and sleep".
She wanted to be polite and go anyway so I told her to go and let me rest.
She was happy with that compromise, got ready and left. Ten minutes
later she was back in the room, saying she didn't want me to be all rested
next day while she was tired.
We go up at 4:30 am and walked around the area for some exercise then
had breakfast at the hotel, which opened at 6:00am. After that we watched
TV some and then took a cab to a shopping center to buy me some sun glasses.
Yesterday we shopped for them but they wanted $25 and Frances said that was too
much. Today we found some but they wanted $36 but Frances said no.
We keep walking around and each time the price went down some. We
finally paid $18 for them and I like them a lot.
We were sitting down at a table having a coconut drink when a beggar came up.
Frances always gives them some money so I thought maybe it was my turn.
I found a coin in my pocket with "200" stamped on it and gave it to him.
He looked at it like, "What !, is that the best you can do?". So Frances
gave him some paper money. She told me that 18,000 dong is about one
dollar and so 200 dong was not even a penny. I always heard that beggars
can't be choosers but that rule has not made it to Vietnam.
After shopping we went to a large park with water, waterfalls and aquariums.
Then we rode a cab back to the hotel and here we are. Frances is napping
and I'm on the computer.